Pima Schools Open Enrollment Opportunities for Non-Resident Students
Our mission is to provide a quality education for all students, in a safe and nurturing environment, in partnership with parents and our community.
Pima Schools supports the right of Arizona parents to choose the school best suited for their child's needs. Students residing outside Pima's boundaries are able to enroll anytime provided classroom capacity is available.
Students enrolled under open enrollment receive the same level of service and are held to the same expectations as resident students.
Ours is a growing community, so some capacity in each class is reserved against growth during the year. Applications for enrollment are accepted throughout the year, and every effort is made to fulfill applications made before April 1 for the following year. The limiting criteria for acceptance of these applications is the ability to provide classroom space and teachers.
The Pima School Board approves Class sizes and thresholds for Open Enrollment based on growth rates for each level. Information about Open Enrollment Capacity is updated here every twelve weeks. For more information please contact the principal at the school where you wish to enroll your child. When capacity is not available, student applications will be placed on a waitlist. Should space become available seats will be granted on a first come first served basis.
GRADE LEVEL | OPEN ENROLLMENT THRESHOLD | Enrollment (24-25) | OPEN/ CLOSED (24-25) | GRADE LEVEL | Projected Open Enroll Capacity 2025-2026 |
Kindergarten (PES) [Class-size target: 18] | 54 Students | 64 Students | CLOSED | Kindergarten (PES) | 64 Students |
First Grade (PES) [20] | 72 Students |
| OPEN | First Grade (PES) | 72 Students |
Second Grade (PES) [20] | 72 Students |
| OPEN | Second Grade (PES) | 72 Students |
Third Grade (PES) [22] | 79 Students | 79 Students | CLOSED | Third Grade (PES) | 79 Students |
Fourth Grade (PES)[22] | 79 Students | 66 Students | OPEN | Fourth Grade (PES) | 79 Students |
Fifth Grade (PES) [24] | 86 Students | 80 Students | OPEN | Fifth Grade (PES) | 86 Students |
Sixth Grade (PES)[25] | 90 Students |
| OPEN | Sixth Grade (PES) | 90 Students |
Seventh Grade (PJHS) [25] | 135 Students |
| OPEN | Seventh Grade (PJHS) | 135 Students |
Eighth Grade (PJHS) [25] | 135 Students |
| OPEN | Eighth Grade (PJHS) | 135 Students |
Ninth Grade (PHS) | 70 Students | 93 Students | CLOSED | Ninth Grade (PHS) | 96 Students |
Tenth Grade (PHS) | 70 Students | 93 Students | CLOSED | Tenth Grade (PHS) | 96 Students |
Eleventh Grade (PHS) | 70 Students | 88 Students | CLOSED | Eleventh Grade (PHS) | 96 Students |
Twelfth Grade | 70 Students | 68 Students | OPEN | Twelfth Grade | 96 Students |
The District will not deny enrollment based on ethnicity, or race, national origin, sex, income level, disability, English language proficiency, athletic ability, or academic performance. Students enrolled at Pima Schools under Arizona's Open Enrollment law are provided the exact same consideration as resident students.
Enrollment capacity for Grades 9-12 will increase to 115 after the completion of the New Pima High School for the 2025-26 School Year.
District policy provides preference for students who have siblings enrolled or who have parents employed by the district.
Last Updated November 7, 2024 (SER)