Pima Unified School District accepts applications for employment throughout the year. Just download the correct application from the links at the right, and you're on your way to becoming part of a great team.
Please direct your questions regarding job openings and applications to Chelsea Curtis, our Human Resource Manager, at (928) 387-8001, or via email.
Certified Positions
Certified positions include:
Teachers require a valid Arizona Teaching Certificate. If you do not already have Arizona certification, you may contact the Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson St., Phoenix, Arizona 85007, (602) 542-4367, or visit the Teacher Certification page on the Arizona Department of Education website.
Classified Positions
Classified personnel includes all support staff in positions that do not require a teaching certificate to perform their job. These positions include clerical, maintenance, bus drivers, and many other areas of employment.
Fingerprinting Requirements
We require employees of Pima Unified School District to have an IVP fingerprint card. You may apply for your IVP fingerprint card online using the link below.
Certified Application (Teaching Positions)
Classified Application (Non-Teaching Positions)
Note: To view, fill out, and print the above documents, you must download the applications and use Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have the latest version, you'll find it on the Adobe Reader website.