The superintendent of a school provides the administrative leadership to all school personnel as well as aide in carrying out the goals and objectives of the school district. Mr. Sean Rickert is the superintendent of Pima Unified School District; we appreciate his hard work and dedication to all of our students, staff, and the community.

A Message from Our Superintendent

Dear Parents and Staff,

As your superintendent, I’d like to take a moment to share a little about myself. My whole life has been about finding ways to help others learn. As a teenager, I started teaching swim lessons to toddlers. Later I would teach youth to sail and adults to drive horses. It comes as no surprise that I have found many ways to develop my love for education; first I developed it as a teacher, later as an alternative school director, and now as a superintendent. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching others grasp new ideas that will help them to become successful. As your superintendent, I am working to continue this pattern. There are an endless number of paths we can take in our effort to enhance the educational program we offer. With your help we will continue to move forward, doing what is best for students to help them learn and grow.

I encourage you to look for ways to strengthen our partnership so that our schools, our community, and most of all our students can learn and grow to achieve success. Please feel free to contact my office to share your ideas, suggestions, and concerns.


Sean Rickert

Pima Unified School District

About Superintendent Rickert

I have been the superintendent of the Pima School District since 2012. My employment with the district began in 2010 when I relocated to the Valley from the White Mountains. While living in Eagar, I worked for Round Valley Unified School District, St. Johns Unified School District, and 4-Winds Academy as a teacher and administrator. Originally from back east, I came to Arizona in 2001 having experience in government and politics. I have used that previous experience as I vied with the state and federal government to ensure that Pima received all funding that was due to them. I have also advocated for greater flexibility for schools, like Pima, that are succeeding.

As superintendent, my energy has been devoted to providing each student with a positive experience. I make every decision based on a clear desire to provide for the future of our children. I believe that Pima is the best school district in the Valley, and has the potential to be the best in Arizona. The primary goal has to be to ensure that our students receive an education that is equivalent to that offered at any other school, and better than most. The quality of the programs we offer directly affect the lives of the children who enter the classrooms. Our schools cannot just be good they have to be great! I also believe that we cannot sacrifice the present in reaching for the future. Our program has to offer students opportunities to succeed today, and to enjoy their time at school. Putting these two sides together will help us to reach our potential as we help our students achieve theirs. Achieving this greatness will require the efforts of the entire community. Each member of the Pima District can contribute, and my door is always open to those who have questions, concerns, or suggestions.