At Home CB

All students actively enrolled at PUSD are eligible to borrow a Chromebook for at-home use for FREE.  Chromebooks will remain at home with the student, even during the summer, unless the student withdraws or chooses to return the device.  PUSD provides optional insurance to cover damages by your student to ANY PUSD device on campus OR at home.  

You may apply for insurance and the FREE At-Home Loaner Program by going to  There is no charge for a loaner, At-Home ChromeBook, and a minimal charge for insurance.  

If you do not have Internet access, Pima has partnered with The Final Mile Project which provides affordable high-speed and high-quality internet services for as low as $9.95 a month.  For more information, see the flyer sent by email or call Triad Wireless at 602-426-0542.